How To Find Country Of Respondents To Google Forms Survey?

Wondering about how to find a country of the respondent with Google Forms submissions? Basically, if your form targets a global audience, then it is very important to view and manage the form responses according to the location. Because knowing where a specific form was filled out can help you cater to your visitor’s needs …

How To Make Google Forms Accessible To Everyone?

Making Google Forms accessible to everyone is a great way to collect feedback. Basically, gathering feedback from users is one of the most efficient and straight-forward tactics to improve your product, service or business. No doubt, the form is the best way to get that honest and insightful feedback. Now, for collecting more responses/feedback, obviously, …

How To Upload Documents Through Google Forms Responses?

If you are dealing in a business where you need to collect client’s documents like resumes, cover letters, portfolios, videos, etc then adding the file uploading feature on your form is indispensable. However, there is a wide range of file uploading form creators available in the market. And for sure, the first option that might …

EPPlus – FileFormat

EPPlus is a .NET library that offers software developers the capability to read, write and export Excel 2007/2010 files in OOXML format. Furthermore, it started with the source from ExcelPackage, which had basic and simple functionality to read & write spreadsheets. Also, the performance of this API is much enhanced because it uses dictionaries to …

PHPSpreadsheet – FileFormat

PHPSpreadsheet is an open-source library that contains a set of classes to enable you to interact with and utilize several spreadsheet file formats of Microsoft Excel and LibreOffice Calc. Moreover, it supports spreadsheets that include one or more worksheets, containing cells to hold data of various types, such as, numbers, formula, image, etc.

Apache POI HSSF – FileFormat

Apache POI HSSF is a pure Java implementation of the Excel ’97(-2007) file format (BIFF8). The free open-source API provides features for creating, reading, modify and writing Excel XLS spreadsheets. Further, in order to modify a spreadsheet data, the user model API can be used. It is important to know that the user model system …


The ag-Grid provides a CSV converter API to export data to CSV and Excel format. For this, you can download a file to the user’s computer or generate a string to be uploaded to a server. The data can be exported to CSV with an API call or using the right-click context menu on the …

How To See All The Submitted Responses In Google Forms?

Seeing the submitted responses in Google Forms is an important task to ensure that you responded to all questions correctly. However, there is no way to see submitted Google Forms as a user, unless the form creator has enabled “Response receipts”. In such a case, it will send a standard receipt, containing a copy of …

Does Google Forms Have A Limit On The Number Of Responses?

By default, Google Forms allow you to collect unlimited responses to your surveys. But what if, you want to limit your Google Forms responses? The good news here is, you can limit Google Forms responses to a certain extent. But, the very first question arises here is “why to limit responses?” The obvious answer is …

How Many Respondents Can You Have In A Google Forms Survey?

Google Forms is a simple to use form builder tool that lets you create beautiful survey forms. It is not only preferred by individuals but also by organizations for conducting surveys. The thing which makes this software a real delight is, it allows you to receive unlimited responses on surveys from the audience. Moreover, its …

Foreign Exchange Rates by Visa developer center

Foreign Exchange Rates offers easy access to the Visa daily currency exchange rate for a given currency pair. With the help of this API, you can provide a better user experience for cross-border and/or multicurrency transactions. The Foreign Exchange Rates API is available for use by any developer in sandbox and production.  


Currencycloud API will help you to build the next cross-border payment innovation. It provides the user with tools to design, innovate and optimize their product and operations. This API is built to modern web standards and is organized around REST. This means that we can make incremental updates to the code without it affecting your …

Neutrino Currency Conversion API

Neutrino API is a powerful currency conversion & exchange rate API. With this, you can convert currency using an up-to-date international currency feed.